Wednesday, October 7, 2009

An appeal............. By. Debarati Sarkar

It is high time we all put our hands together to save our one and the only shelter. It is planet earth which is the only place that harbours life in the universe. Earth has provided the comfortable environment, where human being has come into existence . It has endowed us with suitable atmosphere, which is mandatory for life to sustain .It has gifted us with six different seasons , so that we can enjoy different aspects of nature It has decorated our life with different kinds of magnificent flowers and nurtured us with different kinds of fruits etc . We cannot point out all its contributions towards human life because it is end less.

But have we ever pondered over the fact, what have we given her in return. Human being always have an aspiration of developing themselves. Man has always put his step towards development,.. Development has always a positive effect, but to that extent when it is not hurting any body. But the real fact is that human being has been captured by the obsession of becoming powerful. And they have totally overlooked the fact that they are polluting the environment through their activities, which in their language is development. We, the human being are so proud of our success that we have never realized that we are destroying our one and only shelter. Have we ever noticed that now a days we have stopped experiencing six different seasons? Do we have time to observe that now a days natural calamities have become more devastating? Have we ever realized, wheather our future generation can breathe in this polluted earth or wheather life can exist in this planet?

So, friends it is the prime time when we should try to find out the answer for this questions .It is time to take some action also. Our group has already started to put our efforts to save our earth or rather we can say to save our own life. But we cannot do this alone. So we need all of you people besides us ……………………………………….

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Debu, I completely agree with you. Untill this time we have no clue that anywhere else in the universe life exists; it's no coincidence. If one believes in God he/she would say that it's God's favorite place. If one does not, he/she would say, the physical conditions are just good enough to support life. But, whatever, we can not, by our stupidity and greed, destroy this beautiful earth.

    If we just be a little content and not consume too extravagantly, we can save our planet.
