Monday, October 12, 2009

Poster Campaign- "Save Our Environment" -Suvendu Rout

It's better to take small actions to improve our environment rather than debating over whether 'Global warming' is happening or not; it's high time we realized the impact of our small actions to solve the big problems. One such small action is: changing habits and spreading the message. WE have started a poster campaign exactly with this in mind.

WE have designed this poster targeting the drawing rooms/living rooms of households, where people usually spend most of their time and discuss on wide ranging subjects. The poster can provide an important topic to start a discussion. The objectives of this campaign are:

1) Make people aware of their day-to-day habits that waste energy and resources
2) Remind the people time and again the importance of saving such resources
3) Provide the inmates with a topic to discuss the environmental concerns
4) To spread the message of environmental consciousness by reaching out to the visitors (of a particular household)
5) To convey the message of importance of small actions (by changing habits)

We have observed that mostly people agree with the concerns and want to change. A lot of people are showing interesting in doing more. We are planning to have a survey; we will publish the results when we do it.

Just an appeal: Please start doing now: observe what habits of yours are hurting the environment and change them.
To get this poster, please write to:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Also ‘Do’ While You ‘Talk’

-Krupa Gandhi

11 October 2009

How about gifting your neighbours, friends, fellow citizens a “Dustbin”, a “Spittoon” or “a poster which tips on saving energy and water” this Diwali? Well, this sounds so weird but I think we should initiate this custom as this is one of the ways we can make ourselves and others realize that bad habits costs environment unbearable damage.

I commute in Ahmedabad on my two-wheeler, it being the most comfortable mode of transport for me. Everyday, while commuting, I observe, on average 8-10 citizens either spitting on roads or throwing junk on roads either from cars, rickshaws, two-wheelers, bicycles, etc. I always feel that I should chase them, initiate a conversation and gift them a portable spittoon or a portable dustbin. I think this would be enough to embarrass them and provoke their thought process. I am going to implement on this idea soon.

Similarly, in offices we are aware that paper, energy and water are wasted like it is everlasting. But, everybody knows that the current environmental scene is not that rosy. We hear, read and talk of climate change, global warming, environmental awareness and we do not do anything about it. Friends, this is not a high end contribution to our planet’s betterment where only scientists, government and NGOs can contribute. We as individuals too can achieve milestones. If you see your fellow colleague who forgot to switch off his computer screen/fan/tube light/tap, just politely tell him to be cautious the next time and gift him a leaflet that tips on saving energy and water, while you see him/her being negligent. Such baby steps too can help immensely in combating with giants like “Global Warming”, “Pollution”, “Garbage Dumps”, etc.

Let us all take a step forward towards going green.

For posters, leaflets and stickers on tips to save water and energy,


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

An appeal............. By. Debarati Sarkar

It is high time we all put our hands together to save our one and the only shelter. It is planet earth which is the only place that harbours life in the universe. Earth has provided the comfortable environment, where human being has come into existence . It has endowed us with suitable atmosphere, which is mandatory for life to sustain .It has gifted us with six different seasons , so that we can enjoy different aspects of nature It has decorated our life with different kinds of magnificent flowers and nurtured us with different kinds of fruits etc . We cannot point out all its contributions towards human life because it is end less.

But have we ever pondered over the fact, what have we given her in return. Human being always have an aspiration of developing themselves. Man has always put his step towards development,.. Development has always a positive effect, but to that extent when it is not hurting any body. But the real fact is that human being has been captured by the obsession of becoming powerful. And they have totally overlooked the fact that they are polluting the environment through their activities, which in their language is development. We, the human being are so proud of our success that we have never realized that we are destroying our one and only shelter. Have we ever noticed that now a days we have stopped experiencing six different seasons? Do we have time to observe that now a days natural calamities have become more devastating? Have we ever realized, wheather our future generation can breathe in this polluted earth or wheather life can exist in this planet?

So, friends it is the prime time when we should try to find out the answer for this questions .It is time to take some action also. Our group has already started to put our efforts to save our earth or rather we can say to save our own life. But we cannot do this alone. So we need all of you people besides us ……………………………………….

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Farmers And Technology............ By Parina Einjen

Progressively technology increases the impact on agriculture in terms of extension education, marketing, linkages etc. Farmers want to link with technology for better farming practices. He wants to know different schemes for agriculture and para-agriculture activities, market rate of commodities, new farming machineries…

Technologies like TCS Mobile Agro Advisory System and Spoken web by Sajjata sangh have gone beyond customer care services on phone. Through these services farmers can get answers in whatever means they want like in writing, by listening, by hearing. Even they can receive the advice and information as ‘voice SMS’ in their local languages. Now in big surprise, the technology is invented to know the water requirement of plant is ‘crops can tell farmers they need water’ which is developed for NASA. The farmers just need to clip a tiny sensor to their potato or corn leaves. When the plant feels it needs some moisture, data from the leaves will be sent wirelessly over the Internet to computers linked to irrigation equipment.

But the questions remain same that at what level the technology will improves the crop production or increase the income of small and marginal farmers or increase the standard of living or reduce the problem of food security…

Why this blog

Friends, comrades and all,
Our purpose in life will not be fulfilled if we can not contribute our bits to the present and future generations. We can do this by many ways. Blogging is just another way, and a strong one at that.
'We and Environment' is a group of people concerned about our society, our planet and its future. The group strives to join hands with people to make our planet a better place to live in and make it even better for the future generation. Spreading awareness regarding environment is a major activity of the group; blogging is part of it.

And that's it how we wish to proceed.