Saturday, October 10, 2009

Also ‘Do’ While You ‘Talk’

-Krupa Gandhi

11 October 2009

How about gifting your neighbours, friends, fellow citizens a “Dustbin”, a “Spittoon” or “a poster which tips on saving energy and water” this Diwali? Well, this sounds so weird but I think we should initiate this custom as this is one of the ways we can make ourselves and others realize that bad habits costs environment unbearable damage.

I commute in Ahmedabad on my two-wheeler, it being the most comfortable mode of transport for me. Everyday, while commuting, I observe, on average 8-10 citizens either spitting on roads or throwing junk on roads either from cars, rickshaws, two-wheelers, bicycles, etc. I always feel that I should chase them, initiate a conversation and gift them a portable spittoon or a portable dustbin. I think this would be enough to embarrass them and provoke their thought process. I am going to implement on this idea soon.

Similarly, in offices we are aware that paper, energy and water are wasted like it is everlasting. But, everybody knows that the current environmental scene is not that rosy. We hear, read and talk of climate change, global warming, environmental awareness and we do not do anything about it. Friends, this is not a high end contribution to our planet’s betterment where only scientists, government and NGOs can contribute. We as individuals too can achieve milestones. If you see your fellow colleague who forgot to switch off his computer screen/fan/tube light/tap, just politely tell him to be cautious the next time and gift him a leaflet that tips on saving energy and water, while you see him/her being negligent. Such baby steps too can help immensely in combating with giants like “Global Warming”, “Pollution”, “Garbage Dumps”, etc.

Let us all take a step forward towards going green.

For posters, leaflets and stickers on tips to save water and energy,


1 comment:

  1. Your article has provided me an opportunity to look into myself and examine. I do confess that in spite of being active in spreading the message, sometimes I do spit in public, subconsciously. The next time I would be about to spit, your article will remind me 'not to'.
